In a letter to the region’s Catholics on the anniversary of 7 October, the pontiff expresses his closeness to all those who ...
AsiaNews met with Archbishop Mathieu on the sidelines of the Synod, a few hours before the announcement of his elevation to ...
Subhash Velingkar, a former local leader of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, is behind the request. This comes a month before ...
Two thousand participants from 80 countries attended the fourth edition of the international platform that brings together ...
On the first anniversary of the massacre in his kibbutz in Neti HaAsara, the testimony of an Israeli businessman among the ...
In una lettera ai cattolici della regione nell'anniversario del 7 ottobre la vicinanza a tutti quanti patiscono a causa della ...
苏巴斯·韦林卡(Subhash Velingkar)是这项请求的幕后黑手。这是圣人遗骸十年展览开始前一个月。抗议活动随之而来。社会正义与和平委员会执行秘书萨维奥·费尔南德斯神父呼吁社会和谐。当地多名政界人士以维林卡的言论冒犯宗教情绪为由采取了法律行动 ...
AsiaNews ha incontrato mons. Mathieu a margine del Sinodo, poche ore prima dell’annuncio dell’elevazione al rango ...
在内蒂哈阿萨拉基布兹大屠杀一周年之际,一位以色列企业家是呼吁以巴重启对话运动的其中一名主角,并为此作见证。“我们可以原谅彼此过去的所作所为,甚至今天发生的事情,但如果我们不努力共同建设未来,我们就无法原谅彼此。” ...
教宗方济各宣布任命的主教团主席自2015年起担任卡卢坎主教,卡卢坎是杜特蒂在反毒斗争中法外处决打击最严重的地区之一。他勇敢地为弱者发声,为教会建立了 20 个传教站,更贴近穷人。他是菲律宾教会历史上第十任枢机,与塔格莱和阿德文库拉一起参加选举团。